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From product to service categories: new business models in publishing

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Yongjiang Shi.

Anna Viljakainen from Cambridge Service Alliance is going to introduce her recent research work in service business model analysis in magazine publication industry.

“The issue of how customer value is turned into profitable business is becoming increasingly important when companies adopt new service-based business models. When moving the focus from making goods or services to assisting customers in their value creation processes, the managerial opportunities to influence value co-creation becomes to the fore. Business models may be used as static blueprints describing how organizations function and generate revenue, or alternatively as tools to address a transformation or change in a firm or in an industry. Anna Viljakainen and Prof. Marja Toivonen address the latter perspective: what kind of changes are going on in the magazine publishing business as the result of the adoption of service logic. Traditionally the widely-adopted business model frameworks have lacked the attributes that are characteristic of a service logic. Their aim has been to modify the well-known and well-articulated business model canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) into the world of services and offer a managerial tool for making the transfer towards a service-based thinking. In effect, they argue that the different building blocks of a business model change dramatically when service-logic is applied instead of goods-based logic. For example, instead of talking about target customers, the service company should be getting into the context of its customers and partners. Similarly, instead of managing our infrastructure, it should focus on mobilising and integrating resources within its networks. As such, a service-based business model highlights the importance of the understanding of customer context and the fostering of collaborative interaction with customers, as well as the value of a firm’s internal and external resources. They have used magazine publishing as a case context to illustrate the implementation of a service-based business model in an industry, and they hope this will give audiences some ideas where to focus when entering the service business.”

Anna viljakainen is a visiting researcher in the Cambridge Service Alliance from Helsinki, Finland. “I have been working at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland as a research scientists since 2008 focusing on the on-going servitization of the media industry, and it’s implication on business model innovation and the future of media, especially printed media. Before joining VTT I worked within the media sector in sales and research functions. I have also worked in a market-research company serving the Finnish media sector. I have graduated from Helsinki School of Economics (M.Sc. Econ.) in 2003, and currently I’m a (part-time) doctoral candidate at Aalto School of Science and Technology (PhD Tech.), Department of Industrial Engineering and Management.”

This talk is part of the Manufacturing Research Forum series.

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