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Fluctuations and Structure at Active Interfaces

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ADIW04 - Anti-Diffusion in Multiphase and Active Flows

The simplest class of active soft matter may be modelled at the particle level by a system of self-propelled Brownian particles (ABPs) and at the hydrodynamic level by the (active) model B+ for the dynamics of a conserved scalar order parameter field. Studies revealed surprising collective behavior, notably phase separation in systems of purely repulsive particles, known as motility induced phase separation (MIPS) [1]. Even for these systems fundamental questions, such as the surface tension [2] and the scaling of interfacial fluctuations [3] were addressed only recently. Early work based on computer simulations of phase separated ABPs in two dimensions (2D) reported an interfacial roughness compatible with equilibrium Edwards-Wilkinson behaviour [4,5] in contrast with results from non-linear field theory that predict the existence of a MIPS universality class (qKPZ) away from the critical region [3]. One suggestion is that the system of ABPs undergoes bubbly phase separation [6,3] for which no theoretical predictions are available. Here we consider phase separation of ABPs on a 2D lattice and perform simulations using rejection-free Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) methods [7] to access long length and time scales, over a wide range of parameters: at fixed activity system sizes L = 10 to 6500 (in lattice units) and at fixed L activities from near-critical to deep in the phase separated system (persistence length lp = 50 to 230).   We found different regimes: lp/L>1, where w(t) saturates with L, and lp/L MIPS . Finally, near the critical point the auto-correlation function exhibits a fat tail. Clearly, further work is needed (and is underway) to understand the rich behaviour of active interfaces. References

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This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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