Recent investigations of debris flow behaviour using an experimental flume.
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Dr Lis Bowman, Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Friday 30 November 2007, 16:30-17:30
Engineering Department - LR6.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Zelda Stuck.
Debris flows are high speed flowing mixtures of soil, rock and water that travel down channelized slopes in surges at typical speeds between 5 and 25m/s. They may last from several seconds to several hours and may flow for kilometers from their source area. In susceptible mountainous areas they pose a major threat to lifelines, property and lives. The mechanics behind the behavior of debris flows are poorly understood. Small-scale laboratory flume tests can help us to understand aspects of their behavior such as their high mobility and tendency to entrain and deposit material. This seminar discusses some of the results from some recent studies using a small laboratory flume.
This talk is part of the Engineering Department Geotechnical Research Seminars series.
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