Rough-and-ready proof reconstruction
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact William Denman.
This talk addresses the following question: “if we have a proof in one system, how do we check it using a different system?” . The motivations for asking this question are twofold: one might wish to move proofs of propositions between different systems; one might also wish to use a ‘safer’ system to check a proof, in the spirit of de Bruijn. During the talk I will describe an approach to proof reconstruction which relies on the existing internal automation of Isabelle/HOL to check proofs produced by Leo-II. This is made possible by Isabelle/HOL’s good level of automation. I will discuss some experimental results which suggest a measure of the strength of Isabelle/HOL’s internal automation relative to Leo-II.
This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Automated Reasoning Group Lunches series.
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