University of Cambridge > > Stokes Society, Pembroke College > Robot football: The challenges of artificial intelligence and learning

Robot football: The challenges of artificial intelligence and learning

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Robot football: The challenges of artificial intelligence and learning

The field of Artificial Intelligence has benefitted greatly from grand challenges that pit machines against human counterparts to understand how much has been achieved and what still needs to be done. This talk will give you a glimpse into research driven by one such grand challenge – to get humanoid robots to play the game of football. The talk will take you through the experience of Team Edinferno, the first British team to participate in the Standard Platform League at RoboCup. We will conclude with some comments on how this effort can give us deeper insights into aspects of human cognition and decision making behaviour, a slightly informal presentation on the technology behind our RoboCup entry, and how this advances our research agenda in a meaningful way.

This talk is part of the Stokes Society, Pembroke College series.

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