Users starting with R
- R, Denis
- R.
- R.A., Anthony Green
- Raabe, Tellef S.
- Raban, Sandra
- Rabani
- Rabbits, Terry
- Rabbitt, Professor Patrick
- Rabe, Kersten
- Rabi, Maben
- Rabinovich, Maxim
- Rabinowitz, Neil
- Raby
- Rachuri, Kiran
- Racine, Benjamin
- Rad, Deniz
- Rada-Iglesias, Dr Alvaro
- Radcliffe, Sarah
- Radenovic, Aleksandra
- Radford, Jamie
- Radford, Sheena
- Radford, Will
- Radha, Hayder
- Radia, Miren
- Radiya-Dixit, Evani
- Radl, Anne
- Radmard, Puria
- Radok, Louise
- Radosevich, Professor Alex
- Radulescu
- Radunovic, Bozidar
- Rae, Cameron
- Rae, James
- Rae, Mr Auriol
- Rafajlowicz
- Rafaty, Ryan
- Ragai, Prof. Jehane
- Ragazzi, Prof. Marco
- Raghavan, Barath
- Raghavendra
- Ragni, Anton
- Rago, Dr Antonio
- Ragoucy
- Ragunath, Dr Vinothkumar Kutti
- Ragusa, Dr Enrico
- Rahaman, Mizanur
- Rahimi, Mahdi
- Rahman, Dr Azizur
- Rahman, Mustazee
- Rahman, Taufiq
- Rahmann, Sven
- Rahrmann, Eric
- Rai, Piyush
- Raich, Andy
- Railton, Anna
- Raina, Vyas
- Raines, Professor Ronald T.
- Rainey
- Rainforth, Dr Tom
- Rainforth, Tom
- Rains
- Rainsford, T. M.
- Raita, Bogdan
- Raj, Towfique
- Rajan, Ananth Govind
- Rajasekaran, Arun Kumar
- Rajewsky, Professor Nikolaus
- Rajsic, Dr Jaclyn
- Raklev, Are
- Rakovic, Sasa
- Ralby, Dr Aaron
- Ralph
- Ralph, Danny
- Ralser, Markus
- Ram
- Ram
- Ramadas, Rohini
- Ramakrishna, Navin
- Ramakrishnan, K. K.
- Ramakrishnan, Lalita
- Ramakrishnan, Nisha Kuzhuppilly
- Ramakrishnan, Prof Lalita
- Ramalingam, Chitra
- Ramamurty, Prof. Upadrasta
- Raman, Dhruva
- Ramanan
- Ramanathan, Abarna
- Ramani
- Ramanujam
- Ramanujam, Murali
- Ramanujam, Murali
- Ramaswamy, Sriram
- Ramazashvili, Revaz
- Ramírez, Pedro F.
- Ramírez, Simón
- Ramón, Prof. Dr J. L. García
- Ramchandani, Ben
- Ramdas, Aaditya
- Ramesh, Venkat
- Ramgoolam
- Ramirez, Ana Lopez
- Ramis
- Ramon
- Ramos, Alberto Gil
- Rampling, Jennifer
- Rampp, Michael
- Ramsahai, Roland
- Ramsander, Tashiv
- Ramsay, Ben
- Ramsey, Prof. Mike
- Ramseyer, J. Mark
- Ramshaw, Becky
- Ramshaw, Brad
- Ramsundar, Bharath
- ramyasandra
- Rana, Dr Leena
- Rana, Padmakshi
- Rance, Tim
- Rance, Tim
- Ranchod, Sanjiv
- Randal, Allison
- Randal-Williams
- Randal-Williams, Oscar
- Randall
- Randeberg, Prof. Lise Lyngsnes
- Randel, Nadine
- random
- Randow, Dr Felix
- Rands, Dr Gill
- Rangamani
- Ranganathan, Dhruv
- Ranganathan, Surabhi
- Rangwala, Dr. Glen
- Ranjan
- Ranjan, Bobby
- Rankin, Alisha
- Rankin, Andy
- Ranner
- Ranniery
- Rantzer, Anders
- Rantzer, Professor Anders
- Rao, Akshay
- Rao, Dr Yamini K
- Rao, Dushyant
- Rao, Irena
- Rao, Suhasini Subba
- Rao, Tejas
- Rao, Vinayak
- Raoufi, Aran
- Rapaka, Dr Sri Datta
- Raphael, Pierre
- raphael, pierre
- Rapoport
- Rapoport, Tom
- Rappe, Andrew M.
- Rappoport
- Rare, Cam
- Rasin
- Raskin
- Rasmussen, Carl Edward
- Rasmussen, Jake
- Rassig, Professor Michael
- Rasskazov, Alexander
- Rastogi, Shiven
- Rastorgueva, Elena
- Rasumov, Nikon
- Rasumov, Nikon
- Ratcliff, Elena
- Ratcliffe, Norman
- Rathjen
- Rathnayake, Nirmani
- Ratiu
- Ratkus, Arturas
- Ratkus, Arturas
- Ratnayake, Sahanika
- Ratner, Prof Nancy
- Ratsakatika, Thomas
- Rattray
- Ratz
- Rau, E-Ping
- Rau, Jeffrey G.
- Rauch, C.J.
- Rauch, Jeffrey
- Rauch, Michael
- Rauchenzauner, Stefanie
- Rauleder, Jürgen
- Rauwald, Zack
- Ravenscroft, Simon
- Ravichandran, Balaji
- Ravnik
- Ravuri, Aditya
- Ravuri, Suman
- Rawdon
- Rawles, Simon
- Ray
- Ray, Debajyoti
- Ray, Gourab
- Ray, Kolyan
- Ray, Robert
- Ray, Sujata
- Raynor, Ben
- Raynor, Dr Benjamin
- Razai, Mohammad
- Razavi
- Razbezhkina, Marina
- Razumov
- Räty, Katrina
- Régnier, Stéphane
- Río, Lídia del
- Różycki, Mariusz
- Röhrle, Felix
- Rönnbäck, Klas
- rb941@exeter.ac.uk
- Rea, Dr Irene Maeve
- Read, Alison
- Read, Jocelyn
- Read, Justin
- Read, Professor Randy
- Reade, Hazel
- Reader, Dr Wendel Sebastian -
- Reader, Prof. Howard
- Reading, Dr. Geoff Smith and Dr. Karen Ruebens - University of
- Reall, Dr Harvey
- Reall, Harvey
- Reardon, Joel
- Rebeschini, Patrick
- Rebucci, Annalaura
- Rebuschat, Patrick
- Reby, David
- Recchia, Gabriel
- Reccius, Dr C
- Reception, Psychology
- Rechberger, Christian
- Rechtsman, Dr Mikael
- Reddick, Dr Yvonne
- Reddington, Lorraine
- Reddy, Aruna
- Reddy, Siva
- Redenski, Idan
- Redley, Dr Marcus
- Redmond, Prof. Gareth
- Redondo
- Reed
- Reed, Bradley
- Reed, Colorado
- Reed, Laura
- Reekie, Callum
- Reep, Dr. Jeffery
- Rees, Dr Eric
- Rees, Dr Gareth
- Rees, Marting
- Rees, Tom
- Rees, Torben
- Reese
- Reese, Daniel
- Reeve, Dr Richard
- Reeves, Jennifer
- Reeves, Nicky
- Refson, Keith
- Regan, Heather
- Regan, John
- Regan, John
- Regan, Lynne
- Regan, Tim
- Rege, Victoria
- Regev
- Reggio, Luca
- Regitz, Simon
- Rehm, Claudia
- Rehovot, Prof. Nir Gov Department of Chemical and Biological Physics Weizmann Institute of Science
- Rei, Marek
- Rei, Marek
- Rei, Marek
- Rei, Professor Claudia
- Reich
- Reich, Sebastian
- Reichelt, Stefanie
- Reichenbach, Professor Tobias
- Reid, Adam
- Reid, Adam
- Reid, Alastair
- Reid, Alice
- Reid, David
- Reid, David
- Reid, Francis Lucian
- Reid, Gordon
- Reid, Isaac
- Reid, Professor Vincent
- Reid, Stephen
- Reid, Stephen
- Reid, Vicky
- Reifi, Mohamed Hani El
- Reijsbergen
- Reimann, Prof.Frank
- Reimer, Paula
- Reimers, Nils
- Rein, Hanno
- Reineke
- Reiner, David
- Reiner, Dr. David S.
- Reinhard, Carsten
- Reinhardt, Dr Christoph
- Reining, Professor Lucia
- Reininghaus, Uli
- Reinman
- Reis, Ben
- Reisen
- Reiser, Professor Max
- Reisner, Dr. Erwin
- Reiss, Markus
- Reiter
- Reitmayr, Gerhard
- Reizo, Dr Artemis
- Rello, Luz
- Reluga, Katarzyna
- Rema
- Remberger, Eva-Maria
- Remedios, Dr Richard
- Remedios, Vashka dos
- Remez, Benjamin
- Remond-Tiedrez, Antoine
- Remshard, Miriam
- Remy, Guillaume
- Ren, Dr Jing
- Ren, Dr Yuan
- Ren, Guangjie
- Renaud, Oscar Agertz and Florent
- Renaux-Petel, Dr Sebastien
- Renaux-Petel, Sébastien
- Renaux-Petel, Sebastien
- Rendall, Alan
- Rendell, Dr. Luke
- Rendl
- Renesse, Von
- Rengarajan
- Renner
- Renner, Angelika
- Renner, Renato
- Renner, Sophie
- Renner, Sophie
- Rennie, Vicky
- Rentfrow, Dr Jason
- Report, Lead-author of the IPCC Fourth Assessment
- representatives, Various Jane Street
- Reschen, Richard
- Research, Erik Behrens National Institute of Water and Atmospheric
- Research, JD AI
- Research, Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta; Max Planck Institute for Solar System
- Research, Microsoft
- Research, Professor Olaoluwa Pheabian Akinwale - Nigerian Institute of Medical
- Research, RK Shyamasundar; Tata Institute of Fundamental
- Research, Tony Hoare - Microsoft
- Research-India, Microsoft
- Resel, Prof. Roland
- Reshetikhin
- Resnick
- Ressayre
- Restif, Olivier
- Retkute, Renata
- Revell, Associate Professor Laura
- Rex, John
- Rex, Richard
- Rexhepi, Dr Piro
- Rey
- Rey, Felix
- Reyes
- Reynolds, Kirsty
- Reynolds, Prof. Christopher
- Reynolds, Prof. Christopher
- Rezk, Dr Rasha
- Rezk, Dr Rasha
- Rhemann, Christoph
- Rhiannon
- Rhines
- Rhode
- Rhodes
- Rhodes
- Rhodes, Dr Rachael
- Rhodes, Dr. Lauren
- Ribar, Luka
- Ribchester, Richard R
- Ribeiro, Raquel
- Ribeiro, Raquel H.
- Ribet, Prof Ken
- Riboli, Professor Elio
- Ricardo, José
- Ricca
- Ricci
- Ricci, Claudio
- Ricci, Dr Maria
- Ricci, Prof. Francesco
- Ricciardi, Dr Paola
- Riccioni
- Rice
- Rice
- Rice, Alex
- Rice, Andrew
- Richard
- Richard
- Richards, Fred
- Richards, Prof Mark
- Richards, Professor Sir Mike
- Richards, Sian
- Richards, William of
- Richardson, Chris
- Richardson, Dr Alan
- Richardson, Dr Edward
- Richardson, Dr Kathleen
- Richardson, Jacob
- Richardson, Jay
- Richardson, Jeremy O.
- Richardson, Kathleen
- Richardson, Lizzie
- Richardt, Christian
- Richardt, Christian
- Richardt, Christian
- Richer, Dr John
- Richerby, David
- Richert, Prof. Rebekah
- Riches, Lucie
- Riches, Steve
- Riches, Steve
- Richmond, Nicola
- Richtarik, Peter
- Richter, Laura-Lucia
- Rickaby, Rosalind
- Rickett
- Rickett, Barney
- Ridder, Kathryn de
- Ridder, Widukind de
- Riddle, Matthew
- Riddle, Nick
- Rideaux, Dr Reuben
- Ridge, Tom
- Ridgway, Wesley
- Ridolfi, Giovanni
- Ridsdale, Matt
- Rieß, Ulrike
- Riebesell, Janosh
- Riede, Prof. Felix
- Riedel, Sebastian
- Rief, Prof. Matthias
- Rieger
- Rieger, Dr Gerulf
- Riek, Laurel D.
- Rieke
- Rieutort-Louis, Warren
- Rievaj, Juraj
- Rigaill
- Rigas, Dr George
- Rigat, Fabio
- Rigault, Cyril
- Rigault, Mickael
- Rigby, Danny
- Rigby, Dr Matthew
- Rigby, Frances
- Rigger, Manuel
- Rigler, Amanda
- Rigley, Dr Jessica
- Rigouzzo, Claire
- Rigozzi, Michelle
- Riis
- Riis, Erlend Skaldehaug
- Riley
- Riley, James
- Riley, James J
- Rimell, Laura
- Rimell, Laura
- Rimell, Laura
- Rimmer, Ms Amy
- Rimmer, Paul B.
- Rincon, Dr Laura Guzman
- Rincon, Dr. Angela-Guiovana
- Rindler, Dr Filip
- Rindler, Filip
- Ring, Dr. Howard
- Ringe, Emilie
- Ringel
- Ringler
- Ringstroem, Hans
- Rintel, Dr. Sean
- Rio, Lídia del
- Riols, Antoine
- Riordan, James
- Rios, Pablo Lopez
- Ripley, Justin
- Rippeth, Tom
- Rippington, Dr Stephen
- Risaliti, Guido
- Riseley, James
- Risha
- Rismal, Nina
- Ristenpart
- Ristroph, Leif
- Ritchie, Anna
- Ritchie, David
- Ritchie, Matthew
- Ritson, Carl
- Ritter, Dr Martin
- Ritter, Stefan
- Ritts, Dr Max
- Ritvo, Harriet
- Rityusha
- Ritz, Robert
- Ritz, Robert
- Riva, Francesco
- Riva, Franceso
- Rivas, Clément de
- Rivasseau
- Rivelles
- Rivello
- Rivera, Michael
- Rivers, David
- Rivest, Justin
- Rivier
- Riviere
- Rivoirard, Vincent
- Rix, Dr Antony
- Rix, June
- Rix, Katie
- Riyadh, Mr. Chowdhury Kaiser Mohammad
- Riyadh, Mr. Chowdhury Kaiser Mohammad
- Rizzo, Dr Matteo
- Rizzo, Luigi
- Rizzo, Professor Thomas
- Rizzoli, Alberto
- Rjasanow
- RM, Lt Col Justin Holt MBE
- Roa, Daniela S. Jadue
- Roach, Dr Ashley
- Roach, Sally
- Robatzek, Silke
- Robb, Judith
- Robb, Prof John
- Robbiano
- Robbins
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert, Alexis
- Robert, Dilan
- robert.peharz@tugraz.at
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts, Angela
- Roberts, Benjamin
- Roberts, Dave
- Roberts, Dr Cleo
- Roberts, Gareth
- Roberts, George
- Roberts, Ian
- Roberts, Janette
- Roberts, Jenny
- Roberts, Laura
- Roberts, Natalie
- Roberts, Paul
- Roberts, Prof Ian
- Roberts, Prof. Stephen
- Roberts, Rebecca
- Roberts, Stephen
- Robertson, Brant
- Robertson, Brian
- Robertson, Dr. Sharon
- Robertson, G. Philip
- Robertson, Katie
- Robertson, Paul
- Robertson, Prof. John
- Robertson, Professor John
- Robertson, Stephen
- Robertson, Susan
- Robin
- Robin, Guillaume
- Robins
- Robinson
- robinson, anne
- Robinson, Ben
- Robinson, Dr Jason
- Robinson, Dr Louise
- Robinson, Elva
- Robinson, Elzy
- Robinson, Henry
- Robinson, Hugh
- Robinson, Joshua
- Robinson, Margaret Scott
- Robinson, Mark
- Robinson, Martin
- Robinson, Nia
- Robinson, Nicholas
- Robinson, Peter
- Robinson, Peter
- Robinson, Sylvie
- Robinson, Walter
- Robison, Dr Rosie
- Robison, Rosie
- Robles, Fanny
- Robson, Arthur
- Robson, Eleanor
- Robson, John
- Roby, Fiona
- Rocchetto, Andrea
- Rocchetto, Andrea
- Roch
- Rocha, Leon
- Roche, Dominique Petit dit de la
- Roche, Helen
- Rochet
- Rocheteau, Emma
- Rochner, Andrea
- Rochon
- Rock, Dr Joeva
- Rockner
- Rockstroh, Parousia
- Rocktäschel, Tim
- Roda, Irene
- Rodd, Nicholas
- Rode, Dr Nicolas O.
- Rode, Jacob
- Rode, Professor Andrei V.
- Rodger, Professor Nicholas
- Rodman, Payton
- Rodrigo, Jose
- Rodrigues, Dr Antonio M. M.
- Rodrigues, Dr Miguel R. D.
- Rodrigues, Margarida
- Rodrigues, Miguel
- Rodrigues, Xinran Miao; Daniele Pereira
- Rodriguez
- Rodriguez
- Rodriguez, Dr Alberto
- Rodriguez, Dr. Jose F.
- Rodriguez, Pierre-Francois
- Rodriguez-Gomez
- Rodriguez-Lopez, Salvador
- Rodriguez-Villegas
- Roe, Barbara
- Roebuck, Mary-Jane
- Roeder, Konstantin
- Roehrig, Kai
- Roelfsema, Dr Pieter
- Roessler, Florian
- Roest
- Roff, Emily
- Rogalla, Dr Birgit
- Rogan, Dr Tim
- Rogan, Tim
- Rogaway
- Roger
- Rogers
- Rogers', Prof. Chris
- Rogers, Andrew
- Rogers, Brooke
- Rogers, Dr Nick
- Rogers, Eric
- Rogers, J Alix
- Rogers, James
- Rogers, Laura
- Rogers, Nick
- Rogers, Odette
- Rogers, Thomas Bashford
- Rohde
- Rohde
- Rohe, Dr Alexander
- Rohling, Eelco
- Rohrmeier, Martin
- Rohwer
- Roiban
- Roig-Marín, Amanda
- Roij, Professor Rene van
- Rois, Paula Milan
- Rojas, Prof. Orlando J.
- Rojas-Carulla, Mateo
- Rojas-Molina
- Rojo, Dr Juan
- Roke, Dr Sylvie
- Roke, Professor Sylvie
- Roldao, Antonio
- Rolfe, Susan
- Roling
- Rolla, Leo
- Rolles
- Rolnick, David
- Roman, Bogdan
- Romanel, Alessandro
- Romano
- Romano, Beth
- Romanoff, Ronald
- Romanowicz, Barbara
- Romanowski, Dr Charles
- Romanowsky, Aaron
- Romero, Lydia
- Romero, Rafael
- Romero-Ortuno, Roman
- Romero-Shaw, Isobel
- Romero-Shaw, Isobel
- Romito
- Rommel, Dr. Judith B.
- Ron, Professor David
- Ronacher, Gabriel
- Ronchi, Dr Corrado
- Rondenay, Stephane
- Rondi
- Rondoni
- Rong, Xiao
- Rongpeng, Li
- Roo, Prof. Jonathan de
- Rooij, Dr Steven de
- Rooney, Helen Boffey & Tim
- Roozenbeek, Jon
- Roozenbeek, Jon
- Roquain, Etienne
- Rosca, Roxana
- Rosca-Mead, Mycroft
- Rosca-Mead, Roxana
- Roscoe, Howard
- Roscoe, Timothy
- Rose
- Rose, Alice
- Rose, Dacia Viejo
- Rose, Dr
- Rose, Dr. Catherine
- Rose, Edwin
- Rose, Jeremy
- Rose, Mike
- Rose, Mike
- Rose, Mike
- Rose, Rahul
- Rose, Steven
- Rosell, Stewart
- Rosen, Prof. Michael
- Rosen, Rachel
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg, Joab
- Rosenboim, Or
- Rosenfeld, Nitzan
- Rosengren
- Rosengren, Mathilda
- Rosenzweig, Prof. Mark
- Rosick
- Rosin, Mark
- Rosotti, Dr Giovanni
- Ross
- Ross, Charlotte
- Ross, Corey
- Ross, Dr Joshua
- Ross, Dr Nicholas
- Ross, Dr. J
- Ross, Dr. Sarah
- Ross, Erica
- Ross, Magnus
- Ross, Neil
- Ross, Omri
- Ross, Professor Duncan
- Ross, Tetjana
- Rossen, Dr Ninna
- Rosser, Jonathan
- Rossi, Alessandro
- Rossi, Alessandro
- Rossi, Benedetta
- Rossi, Carlo
- Rossi, Dr Mariana
- Rossi, Julio Daniel
- Rossi, Lorenzo
- Rossmann, Dr Maxim
- Rosso, G.
- Rosta, Dr Edina
- Rostami, Habib
- Rosten, Edward
- Rostgaard, Tine
- Rostworowski
- Rota-Nodari
- Rotenberg, Benjamin
- Rotenberg, Professor Benjamin
- Roth
- Roth, Dr Andrew
- Roth, Ronelle
- Rothblum
- Rothchild, Daniel
- Rothier-Bautzer, Dr Arthur
- Rothig, Daniel
- Rothkopf, Constantin
- Rothman, James
- Rothwell, Colin
- Rotondo, Adriana Perez
- Rotsos, Charaloampos
- Rotsos, Haris
- Rottman, Joshua D.
- Rotunno, Rocco
- Roubinet, Chantal
- Rouchon
- Roudi, Dr Yasser
- Roughbourough, Peter
- Rougier
- Rouhani
- Roulet, Javier
- Roulstone
- Roulstone, Mr Tony
- Rouquette
- Rouquier
- Rousseau, Professor George
- Rousselière, Geneviève
- Rousset, Frédéric
- Routh, Alexander F.
- Routis, Evangelos
- Roux, Jonathan Le
- Roux, Nicolas Le
- Rouzé, Mr. Cambyse
- Rovelli, Professor Carlo
- Rovere, Alessio
- Rowbotham, Sam
- Rowe, Amy E.
- Rowe, Dr Duncan
- Rowe, Prof Alex
- Rowe, Professor James
- Rowe, Reuben
- Roweis, Sam
- Rowicka, Paulina
- Rowland, Francis
- Rowland, Louise
- Rowland, Mark
- Rowley, Dr Sharon
- Rowley, Stephen
- Rowley, T E
- Roy, Amitabha
- Roy, Daniel
- Roy, Daniel
- Roy, Diptarko
- Roy, Dr Daniel
- Roy, Dr Daniel
- Roy, Tirthankar
- Royall, Dr Paddy
- Royle
- Royston, Dr. Geoff
- Rozali
- Rozali
- Rozeik, Christina
- Rozelle
- Rozenblum
- Rozner, Mor
- rr330
- rr460
- Rrustemi, Alban
- rs416
- Rubi, Professor J. Miguel
- Rubin
- Rubino, Mr Antonio
- Rubinov, Mikail
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein, Dr Helena
- Rubinsztein, Professor David
- Rubio
- Rubo, Prof. Yuri
- Rubtsov
- Rubtsov, Dr Denis
- Rudalevige, Andrew
- Rudalevige, Professor Andrew
- Rudd, Prof. Chris
- Rudelson
- Ruder, Sebastian
- Ruder, Sebastian
- Ruder, Sebastian
- Ruderman, Anne
- Rudge, John
- Rudiak-Gould, Benjamin
- Rudner, Tim G. J.
- Rudnev, Misha
- Rudnick
- Rudolf, Prof Petra
- Rudolph, Terry
- Rudwick, Martin
- Rudyk, Dr Olena
- Rueda, James Hadfield & Oscar
- Rueda, Oscar
- Rueda, Oscar M
- Ruehl, Martin
- Ruehle
- Ruelle
- Ruff, Zachary
- Ruffhead, Holly
- Rugg, Peter
- Ruggeri, Francesco Simone
- Ruggeri, Kai
- Ruggeri, Kai
- Ruggieri, Paolo
- Rugy, Marie de
- Ruigrok, Amber
- Ruijsenaars
- Ruiz
- Ruiz-Mirazo, Kepa
- Rulands, Dr. Steffen
- Rulands, Steffen
- Rum, Yonat
- Rummel
- Rummel
- Rumpf, Martin
- Rumynin
- Rumynin
- Runborg
- Runciman, Dr.David
- Runde, Philip Faulkner and Jochen
- Rundell
- Rundo, Leonardo
- Rundo, Leonardo
- Runkel, Christina
- Rupp, Philip
- Rusakov, Vadim
- Ruscheweyh
- Rush, Alexander
- Rushforth, Dr Rebecca
- Rushworth, Louise
- Rushworth, Ruth
- Ruskai
- Russ, Emmanuel
- Russell, Ana-Teresa Maia + Roslin
- Russell, Dr Colin
- Russell, Dr Paul
- Russell, Helen
- Russell, James
- Russell, John
- Russell, Kieran
- Russell, Matthew
- Russell, Professor Steve
- Russell, Professor Stuart
- Russo
- Russo, Dr Maria
- Russo, Dr. Christopher J.
- Rust, Professor John
- Rute
- Rutgers, Dee
- Ruthven, Kenneth
- Rutten-Jacobs, Dr. Loes
- Ryabko
- Ryan
- Ryan, David
- Ryan, Dr Magnus
- Ryan, Dr Magnus
- Ryan, Jo
- Ryan, Maeve
- Ryan, Mairead
- Ryan, Prof Michelle
- Ryan, Prof Sinead
- Ryan-Flood, Dr. Róisín
- Ryan-Weber, Emma
- Rychkov, Vyacheslav
- Rycroft, Prof. Michael
- Ryder, Rachel
- Ryder-Cook, Dan
- Rye, Craig
- Ryee, Siheon
- Rymer, Graham
- Rymer, Graham
- Ryom-Hansen
- Ryu
- Rzechorzek, Neil
Only users who manage a list or who have organised or given a talk are shown. This status is only updated once a day.