University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Null surgery on knots in L-spaces

Null surgery on knots in L-spaces

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HTLW02 - 3-manifold workshop

Co-author: Faramarz Vafaee (Caltech)
Let \  be a knot in a rational homology sphere \  . Then there is a unique surgery on \  which results a manifold with \  \  \\   . We call this surgery the null surgery. When \  is an L-space, the null surgery remembers the information about the genus and fiberedness of the knot. A special case of our theorem is that if the resulting manifold is \  \  \ \  \    , then the dual knot is a spherical braid. This is joint work with Faramarz Vafaee.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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