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New seminar series: the challenges of experimental government

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Adam Coutts.

Randomised Control Trials, behavioural insights and ‘nudge’ style policy interventions have become popular in government, development policy, academia and business. There is, however, a lack of information and evidence on the challenges of setting up and implementing these complex social interventions and experimental evaluations particularly documenting when things go wrong and why. This seminar series brings together leading academics and policy makers to provide case studies and field stories of how to design and implement social policy experiments.

All seminars start at 5pm except where indicated.

Wednesday October 18th, English faculty room GR04 Professor Peter John (UCL). ‘Field Experiments in Political Science and Public Policy’.

Wednesday November 1st, English faculty room GR04 Sara MacLennan, WhatWorks Wellbeing Centre, Head of evidence and analysis. ‘Using evidence from Randomised Control Trials to inform policy’.

Wednesday November 15th , 12pm, Alison Richards Building, SG1 , POLIS, David Johnson, Evaluation lead for the Health-led Trials, Work and Health Unit, Department for Work and Pensions. ‘Designing and implementing a cross-departmental social policy Randomised Control Trial: problems and opportunities’.

Wednesday November 22nd, Magdalene College, Cripps Auditorium, Dr Michael Hallsworth, Director of Health and Tax at the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT). ‘Rethinking public health using behavioural science’.

Friday December 1st, Alison Richards Building, SG1 , POLIS, Dr Ellen Flint, Head of Scientific Strategy at Department for Work and Pensions. ‘Is evidence enough? How academics can influence policy’.

This talk is part of the apc31's list series.

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