Nonabelian action of M5-branes
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Mustapha Amrani.
Mathematics and Applications of Branes in String and M-theory
I will talk about a recent construction for an action for non-abelian 2-form in 6-dimensions. The action consists of a non-abelian generalization of the abelian action of Perry and Schwarz for a single M5-brane. It admits a self-duality equation on the field strength as the equation of motion. It has a modified 6d Lorentz symmetry. On dimensional reduction on a circle, our action gives the standard 5d Yang-Mills action. Based on these properties, we propose that our theory describes a theory of multiple M5-branes in flat space.
This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.
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