Nef line bundles over finite fields
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Adrian Langer (Warsaw)
Wednesday 08 February 2012, 14:15-15:15
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Caucher Birkar.
I will give a survey on vanishing theorems for line bundles
on varieties in positive characteristic. Recently, Bhargav Bhatt
proved an interesting theorem allowing to kill cohomology of
multiples of semiample line bundles. I will show that
how to use Burt Totaro’s examples of non-semiample nef line bundles on smooth projective
surfaces over finite fields to construct nef line bundles for which killing cohomology is not
I will also prove a new vanishing theorem for strictly nef line bundles
on projective varieties defined over finite fields.
This talk is part of the Algebraic Geometry Seminar series.
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