University of Cambridge > > Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF) > Nanotechonolgy, Biology, and Sustainability: Intersections with Gold Nanocrystals

Nanotechonolgy, Biology, and Sustainability: Intersections with Gold Nanocrystals

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Catherine Pearson.

The field of nanotechnology has produced many materials under intense investigation in research labs worldwide. Many of these materials have moved into commercial production. For nanomedicine applications, it is of course imperative to understand the nanomaterial/biology interface at many length and time scales. The “green revolution” in chemistry has also sparked work to make the syntheses and end-use of nanomaterials as sustainable and as environmentally friendly as possible. In this talk I will discuss case studies from my laboratory that use gold nanocrystals – possibly the most inert nanomaterial there is – to understand the mechanisms of nanomaterial interactions with proteins, living cells, communities of living cells, and entire ecosystems.

This talk is part of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF) series.

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