University of Cambridge > > Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars > Nuclear technologies for Health

Nuclear technologies for Health

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jo Boyle.

In this talk, Dr Sarah Osman, a radiotherapy physicist at University College London Hospitals and the National radiotherapy Trials QA group, will cover how ionizing radiation, guided by advanced physics principles, is used to target and destroy cancer cells with high precision. Attendees will gain insights into the latest advancements in imaging, dose delivery, treatment planning, and emerging technologies such as proton therapy. Belinda Stiles, a nuclear medicine physicist at University College Hospitals, will cover how we utilise radioactive isotopes attached to pharmaceuticals (radiopharmaceuticals) in medicine. This will include both their diagnostic and therapeutic uses, and how clinical scientists support both the routine and novel uses, including SPECT and PET imaging, as well as molecular radiotherapeutic uses and dosimetry

This talk is part of the Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars series.

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