Venues starting with N
- N/A
- N7, Pembroke College
- na
- National Blood Service Centre, Addenbrooke’s Hospital Site, Long Road, Cambridge
- National Cancer Registration Service, Unit E, Magog Court, Hinton Way, Cambridge
- NB NOT Chemistry Dept but Meeting Room 2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences (between Clarkson and Madingley Roads)
- NB NOT Chemistry Dept. Thurs 22 May, 2.15 pm in Meeting Room 2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences (between Clarkson and Madingley Roads)
- NCR, Corpus Christi College,Cambridge
- Needham Research Institute
- Needham Research Institute, 8 Sylvester Road, Cambridge, CB3 9AF
- New Cellars, Foundess Court, Pembroke College
- New Cellars, Pembroke College
- New Combination Room, Corpus Christi College
- New Combination Room, Corpus Christi College. Bene’t Street, Cambridge
- New Common Room, Pembroke College
- New Court Theatre, Christ's College
- New Faculty Building, room 2S3, Faculty of Education, 184 Hills Road
- New Hall Art Exhibition, Murray Edwards College, Huntingdon Road
- New Hall Bar, Huntingdon Road
- New LMB Lecture Theatre
- New room, Management Information Services Division, University Offices (MI
- New Seminar Rooms, Strangeways Research Laboratory
- New Venue
- New York
- New York Street 41
- New York Street 45
- New York Street 50
- New York Street21
- Newman Library, Postdoc Centre at the Biomedical Campus, School of Clinical Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 0SP
- Newman Library, Postdoctoral Centre (Addenbrookes), enter via Clifford Allbutt building
- Newnham and Robinson Colleges
- Newnham College
- Newnham College MCR
- Newnham College MCR (directions available from Porter's Lodge)
- Newnham College MCR, Cambridge
- Newnham College Old labs
- Newnham College, Jane Harrisson room
- Newnham College, Kennedy Building, Room 109
- Newnham College, Lucia Windsor Room
- Newnham College, Porter's Lodge
- Newnham College, Strachey East, ground floor, room A
- Newnham Grange Seminar Room, Darwin
- Newnham Shell Garage, on Newnham Roundabout (CB3 9EY)/ The Orchard Garden, Grantchester
- Newnham Terrace Seminar Room, Darwin
- Newnham Terrace Seminar Room, Darwin College
- Newton Institute
- Newton Institute Gatehouse
- newyork
- Nick Mackintosch Room, Department of Psychology, Downing Site
- Nick Mackintosch Seminar Room, Department of Psychology, Downing Site
- Nick Mackintosh Room (Psychology Deparment)
- Nick Mackintosh Room, Department of Psychology, Downing Site
- Nick Mackintosh Room, Department of Psychology, Downing Site, Cambridge
- Nick Mackintosh Room, Dept. Psychology, Downing Site
- Nick Mackintosh Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Department of Psychology
- Nick Mackintosh Seminar Room, Department of Psychology, Downing Site, Cambridge
- Nick Mackintosh Seminar Room, Psychology Building, Downing Site, Cambridge
- Nick Mackintosh Seminar Room, second floor, Department of Psychology, Downing Site, Cambridge
- Nick Makintosh Room, Dept. Psychology, Downing Site
- Nightingale Room, Peterhouse
- Nihon Room, Foundess Court, Pembroke College
- Nihon Room, Foundress Court, Pembroke College
- Nihon Room, Pembroke College
- Nihon Room, Pembroke College, Cambridge
- Nihon Room, Pembroke College, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RF
- NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre Lecture Series, CRUK Cambridge Research Institute Lecture Theatre (Li Ka Shing Centre - Robinson Way), Addenbrooke's Site.
- NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre Lecture theatre, Robinson way
- Nina
- No 1 Newnham terrace, Darwin College
- No Room Required
- no talk
- nonstandard room: SS03
- North 10 (lower ground), Trumpington Street
- North Cambridge Academy, Arbury Road, Cambridge CB4 2JF
- North Room, Engineering Library (TBC)
- Norwich Auditorium, Roger Needham Building
- Norwich Auditorium, Roger Needham Building, CB3 0RB
- Norwich Room, University Information Services, West Cambridge
- Norwich Room, University Information Systems
- not confirmed
- NOTE ROOM CHANGE TO MR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- Note! MR3 Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge
- Note: MR5
- Novi, 12 Regent St, CB2 1DB
- Number 1 Newnham Terrace, Darwin College
- NWC Project Offices, Gravel Hill Farm, Madingley Rise, Madingley Road, CB3 0FU