University of Cambridge > > Biophysics Colloquia - (Chemistry) > NMR studies of a helical 7-transmembrane receptor

NMR studies of a helical 7-transmembrane receptor

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The study of seven-helical integral membrane proteins (7TM) remains a challenge for structural biology. We use the 7TM phototaxis receptor sensory rhodopsin pSRII to demonstrate the feasibility of such studies by means of solution NMR spectroscopy. For the first time we present the full 3D structure determination of a 7TM receptor using NMR spectroscopy. The size of the protein-detergent micelle complex under investigation is on the order of 70 kDa. The quality of the pSRII structure ensemble is extremely good (backbone root mean squared deviation of 0.48 Å). Based on what we have learnt with pSRII we attempt to discuss the chances for the success of similar NMR structural studies with other 7TM proteins.

This talk is part of the Biophysics Colloquia - (Chemistry) series.

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