University of Cambridge > > Economic and Social History Seminars > Household movement and changes in residential structure

Household movement and changes in residential structure

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Natalia Mora-Sitja.

The Great Fire destroyed 13,200 houses in London, making as many as 100,000 homeless. This paper will examine how the restructuring of metropolitan residential structures after the Fire, and the extent to which the disaster changed individual housing choices. This will be accomplished by examining residential movement of individual Londoners, both in fired and non-fired areas, using the records of the Hearth Tax assessments taken before and after the Great Fire. This will illuminate patterns of early modern neighbourhood migration, examined empirically. As far as possible, this study will be socially comprehensive, and encompass the experience of a wide range of Londoners from across the socio-economic spectrum.

This talk is part of the Economic and Social History Seminars series.

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