University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Neuroscience Seminars > Human stem cell models of Alzheimer's disease initiation and progression

Human stem cell models of Alzheimer's disease initiation and progression

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Dervila Glynn.

Abstract: The combination of novel stem cell technologies and advances in developmental biology has enabled considerable progress in our ability to generate defined human cells and organs in vitro. We have exploited our understanding of the development of the cerebral cortex, the executive and integrative centre of the mammalian brain, to generate human cortical neurons and neural networks in vitro. This seminar will introduce our use of these approaches to study the assembly and function of human and non-human primate cortical neural circuits, and the application of these systems to study the initiation and progression of Alzheimer’s disease in forebrain neural networks. Host: Michael Hastings

This talk is part of the Cambridge Neuroscience Seminars series.

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