University of Cambridge > > Physics of Living Matter Part III course (PLM) > Heterogeneity and transcriptional noise in cell populations

Heterogeneity and transcriptional noise in cell populations

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  • UserOne Day Special Meeting - see abstract for details
  • ClockMonday 15 December 2008, 09:00-18:00
  • HouseDepartment of Genetics.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact cjt59.

December 15 2008 in the Department of Genetics From 9am Workshop on:

“Heterogeneity and transcriptional noise in cell populations”

Organized by Alfonso Martinez Arias (Department of Genetics) and Ben Simons (The Cavendish Lab) in association with the PLM initiative (

Preliminary programme

Joshua Brickman Institute for Stem Cell Research University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK

“Translational amplification in an early endoderm locus reveals trancriptional noise based oscillations in undifferentiated murine ES cells”

Amy Brock Department of Surgery Children’s Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston. USA

”Non-genetic heterogeneity in embryonic stem cell development and tumorigenesis”.

Jordi Garcia Ojalvo Departament de Fisica I Enginyeria Nuclear Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Colom 11, 08222 Terrassa, Spain ”Excitable gene circuit architectures and their noise properties”

Berti Göttgens Cambridge University Department of Haematology Cambridge Institute for Medical Research Cambridge, UK

”Transcriptional regulatory networks in blood stem cells”

Olivier Grandillon Centre de Génétique Moléculaire et Cellulaire CNRS Universite de Lyon Lyon, France

“A system’s biology approach to understand stochasticity in gene expression”

Sui Huang Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada ”Heterogeneity and transcriptional noise in cell populations”

Johannes Jaegger Center for Genomic regulation PRBB Barcelona, Spain “Bioattractors: Developmental and Evolutionary Dynamics of the Gap Gene System”

Tibor Kalmar Department of Genetics University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK “Wnt regulated fluctuations of Nanog expression mediate pluripotency in ES cells”

Ben Simons TCM The Cavendish Laboratory University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK “Stochasticity in stem and progenitor cell fate”

Azim Surani Gurdon Institute The University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK ”Dynamic equilibrium and heterogeneity of mouse pluripotent stem cells with distinct functional and epigenetic states.”

Lorenz Wernisch MRC Biostatistical Unit Cambridge, “Noisy movements in state space”

This talk is part of the Physics of Living Matter Part III course (PLM) series.

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