How IBM creates consulting offerings: The example of Smarter Cities
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Louise Rowland.
Guangjie Ren from IBM Almaden Research Center (California, USA ) is going to introduce his research project about Smarter City development and his experiences in IBM Research Centre. Guangjie used to be an IfM PhD student involved in the pioneering research work of IfM manufacturing servicetisation. After graduation from Cambridge, he has been working in IBM Almaden Research Centre. In his talk, he is going to introduce the follow information:
“There is an abundance of research on how companies create hardware and software, but much less is known about the creation of new services, in particular consulting services. In this talk, I will share my own experience of developing a consulting offering in IBM . I will use Smarter Cities as an example to show the essential ingredients that are necessary for an idea to be a success in the marketplace and discuss the common challenges in service innovation.”
This talk is part of the IfM Buns Talk series.
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