University of Cambridge > > Postdoc Career Workshops > Hiring and Managing a Team

Hiring and Managing a Team

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dieter Lukas.

The workshop will provide you with a chance to gain a view on the wider world, ask all your questions about hiring & managing a team (which might be helpful both when going for interviews and as we are making the transition to leading our own teams), eat pizza, and chat with your fellow postdocs about future life.

We have the following panel that will share their insights:

Catherine Tilley: Director at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and previous experience in recruiting and developing research teams at McKinsey & Company (

Liz MacRae: Principal assistant in our department, involved in recruiting and managing technical staff (

Ed Turner: Just started his own research group in our department, and involved in managing researchers and volunteers in large long-term conservation projects (

Andrea Manica: Leads a large research group in our department (

This talk is part of the Postdoc Career Workshops series.

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