University of Cambridge > > Fluid Mechanics (DAMTP) > Hydrodynamic Black Holes

Hydrodynamic Black Holes

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Prof. Jerome Neufeld.

We will discuss experimental results studying the wave-vortex interaction arising from rotating fluid and superfluid flows. The dynamical equation describing the wave-vortex interaction can be mapped to scalar fields propagating on an effective rotating black hole. This opens the possibility of studying a variety of rotating black hole processes in hydrodynamic systems. I will summarise our experimental efforts resulting in the detection of geodesic motion, quasi-normal modes and superradiance in normal fluids at room temperature and pressure. I will end by introducing our new experimental system and first results obtained within. Our new approach is based on superfluid optomechanics, allowing us to study rotating black hole effects in the quantum domain.

This talk is part of the Fluid Mechanics (DAMTP) series.

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