University of Cambridge > > CUED Control Group Seminars > Hierarchical Robust Performance Analysis of Uncertain Large Scale Systems

Hierarchical Robust Performance Analysis of Uncertain Large Scale Systems

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Alberto Padoan.

I will present in this talk some of my work (before joining Cambridge) on the robustness analysis of interconnected systems. More precisely, I will talk about the problem of robust performance analysis of interconnected uncertain systems with a hierarchical structure. The computational load associated with such problems does not allow a direct application of robustness analysis usual tools. To overcome this difficulty, we exploit the hierarchical structure of the problem and propose an algorithm to perform robustness analysis using dissipativity property (quadratic constraint) “propagation” along the hierarchical structure. This algorithm allows to establish a trade-off between computation time required to perform the analysis and the conservatism of the obtained results. Furthermore, it is possible to perform parallel computation at each hierarchical level using the proposed algorithm which will result in an important decrease in the required computation time.

This talk is part of the CUED Control Group Seminars series.

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