University of Cambridge > > Cavendish HEP Seminars > Boosted Jets in searches for New Physics

Boosted Jets in searches for New Physics

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Jets are collimated sprays of hadrons. They are the most complex and least understood, but also the most frequently observed objects at the LHC . Almost all theoretical extensions of the standard model predict heavy TeV scale resonances which, to explain electroweak symmetry breaking, have to couple to electroweak scale resonances, e.g. top quarks or electroweak gauge bosons. Therefore, boosted electroweak-scale resonances with large branching ratios into jets is a highly probable scenario in many processes probing new physics. The resonances’ collimated hadronic decay products can easily blend with the cornucopia of jets from hard relative light QCD states. Here, jet substructure methods can help to disentangle the sought-after signal from the backgrounds. In this talk we classify, motivate and discuss scenarios where jet substructure methods can be beneficial for new physics searches at the LHC .

This talk is part of the Cavendish HEP Seminars series.

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