University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Bounds on mixing norms for advection diffusion equations in the whole space via Fourier splitting and decay characters

Bounds on mixing norms for advection diffusion equations in the whole space via Fourier splitting and decay characters

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TURW03 - Modelling and analysis of turbulent transport, mixing and scaling

I will start this talk introducing a conjecture of Charles Doering and Christopher Miles (stated in “Diffusion-limited mixing by incompressible flows” , Nonlinearity 2018) on long-time convergence to the Batchelor scale of a suitable norm for mixing in passive scalars. Motivated by this conjecture, I will present mixing estimates on $R^n$ obtained in collaboration with Steffen Pottel by means of the Fourier-splitting method. These estimates were recently (substantially) improved by relaxing the assumptions on initial conditions.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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