University of Cambridge > > Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars > Beyond unitarity: new on-shell representations for loop amplitudes

Beyond unitarity: new on-shell representations for loop amplitudes

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr. Piotr Tourkine.

It has been very fruitful to learn to rephrase loop computations, in quantum field theory, in terms of meaningful tree-level building blocks. In this talk I present a novel representation that combines the best from the Feynman tree theorem and modern unitarity-based approaches. It exists to all loop orders, is fully constructive, involves only on-shell trees, and is explicitly ghost-free. This comes at the cost of slightly unfamiliar linear propagators, but which can be termwise integrated using standard techniques. Based on 1509.02169.

This talk is part of the Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars series.

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