University of Cambridge > > RSE Seminars > Building Fast and Maintainable Software for Multi-Scale Evo-Devo Simulations

Building Fast and Maintainable Software for Multi-Scale Evo-Devo Simulations

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jack Atkinson.

Development involves the spatiotemporal coordination of molecular and mechanical processes which give rise to an organism’s form and function. Billions of years of evolution has led to the emergence of a vast amount of complex and diverse life forms. Simulating the evolution of development (evo-devo) is a powerful approach to understanding how developmental mechanisms are modified over evolution to give rise to this immense diversity of life. However, designing and implementing software to model these multi-scale processes presents significant practical and computational challenges. In this talk, we will discuss our experiences and strategies in developing our own high-performance software for evo-devo simulations.

We will explore the practical challenges encountered in writing and designing this software, including the need to balance biological realism with computational efficiency, and ensuring that the software is both scalable and flexible to accommodate a wide range of evolutionary scenarios. A key focus of our discussion will be on the methods we employed to write high-performance code capable of handling long evolutionary simulations within feasible timeframes.

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This talk is part of the RSE Seminars series.

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