University of Cambridge > > CQIF Seminar > Bell nonlocality from bound entanglement

Bell nonlocality from bound entanglement

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Steve Brierley.

In 1999, Asher Peres conjectured that bound entanglement can never lead to Bell nonlocality. Recently this conjecture has been proven to be false, by identifying a 3×3 bound entangled state that violates a bipartite Bell inequality [1]. In this talk, we discuss implications of this result to the relation between different facets of quantum entanglement. Also, possible extensions of the problem to higher dimensional and multipartite states are presented.

[1] T. Vertesi, N. Brunner: Disproving the Peres conjecture by showing Bell nonlocality from bound entanglement, Nat. Commun. 5, 5297 (2014).

This talk is part of the CQIF Seminar series.

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