University of Cambridge > > Sainsbury Laboratory Seminars > Branching Out Seminar Series - Feeding the world without costing the earth

Branching Out Seminar Series - Feeding the world without costing the earth

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Food and farming have a greater impact on other species than any other sector, yet how best to limit these effects is contested. Reviewing progress in interventions to encourage less damaging diets and to cut food loss and waste I conclude that both are essential, but far from sufficient. On the supply side, quantification of the biodiversity impacts of land-sharing, land-sparing and mixed approaches for almost 2000 individually-assessed species reveals that on five continents high-yield farming and sparing consistently outperform land sharing, and also offer considerable potential for lowering greenhouse gas emissions. In contrast, sharing approaches that lower yields (such as organic production) risk causing grave damage to the majority of wild species.

This talk is part of the Sainsbury Laboratory Seminars series.

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