University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery (C2D3) > Big Data in Medicine: Exemplars and Opportunities in Data Science

Big Data in Medicine: Exemplars and Opportunities in Data Science

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Clare Dyer-Smith.

The data generated by medical care and medically relevant research are rapidly becoming bigger and more complex, particularly with the advent of new technologies. Our ability to advance medical care and efficiently translate science into modern medicine is bounded by our capacity to access and process these big data. From human genetics and pathogen genomics to routine clinical documentation, from internal imaging to motion capture, from digital epidemiology to pharmacokinetics, and from treatment pathways to life course assessment, the big V’s of Big Data – volume, variety, velocity and veracity – abound in medicine. Statistical, mathematical, visualisation, and computational approaches, from a wide range of disciplines, as well systems for innovative ICT -based interventions are needed to keep apace of the complexity in Big Data and to advance medicine.

On 19th June 2015 at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (map), join researchers from the schools of Clinical Medicine, Biological Sciences, Technology, Physical Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, the pharmaceutical industry and our funding and commissioning partners for an afternoon of talks demonstrating methods and opportunities for harnessing Big Data in medicine. Showcase your work by submitting abstracts for presentation or circulation and take the opportunity to find interdisciplinary partners.

For more information, abstract submission and registration visit:

This talk is part of the Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery (C2D3) series.

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