University of Cambridge > > Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience > Brain power: where does it come form and how is it used.

Brain power: where does it come form and how is it used.

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact P.H. Marchington.

Harris, J. J., Jolivet, R. & Attwell, D. September 2012. Synaptic Energy Use and Supply. Neuron75, 762-777

Peppiatt, C. M., Howarth, C., Mobbs, P. & Attwell, D. 2006. Bidirectional control of CNS capillary diameter by pericytes. Nature Vol 443|12 October 2006|doi:10.1038/nature05193

Hamilton, N. B., Attwell, D. & Hall, C. N. 2010. Pericyte-mediated regulation of capillary diameter: a component of neurovascular coupling in health and disease. Frontiers in Neuroenergetics. Hypothesis and theory article. 21 May 2010 doi:10.3389/fnene.2010.00005

This talk is part of the Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience series.

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