University of Cambridge > > SANDWICH Seminar (Computer Laboratory) > On the Operational Theory of the CPS-Calculus

On the Operational Theory of the CPS-Calculus

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ariadne Si Suo .

The continuation-passing style translation often employed by compilers gives rise to a class of intermediate representation languages where functions are not allowed to return anymore. Though their primary use is to expose details about a program’s control flow, they may be equipped with an equational theory in order to be seen as specialized calculi. In this talk, we explore Thielecke’s CPS -calculus, a small theory of continuations inspired by compiler implementations, and present ongoing work on its metatheory, aiming to improve the development of formally checked compilers and type-directed optimization.

This talk is part of the SANDWICH Seminar (Computer Laboratory) series.

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