University of Cambridge > > LCLU Seminars > Our Astrochemical Origins

Our Astrochemical Origins

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Oliver Shorttle.

LCLU seminars take place once per term, and cover topics in planetary science and life in the Universe. All seminars start at 4pm, and are followed by a drinks reception.

Abstract: All the ingredients to form stars, planets, and life are to be found in dense and cold interstellar clouds called prestellar cores. At these early stages of star formation, organic molecules thrive and dust grains grow thick icy mantles, where water and organics accumulate. Knowledge of the chemical and physical structure of prestellar cores is needed to provide the initial conditions in the process of star and planet formation. Here I will present a journey that follows the evolution of prestellar cores toward the formation of stellar systems like our own, showing the crucial role played by astrochemistry as a powerful diagnostic tool for the various steps present in the journey.

This talk is part of the LCLU Seminars series.

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