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On projective integration schemes for single and multiple species gases

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FKTW05 - Frontiers in numerical analysis of kinetic equations

Projective integration has been recently proposed as a viable alternative to fully implicit and micro-macro methods for providing light, nonintrusive and almost AP integrators for collisional kinetic equations. We shall present in this talk fully explicit projective integration and telescopic projective integration schemes for the multispecies Boltzmann and BGK equations. The methods employ a sequence of small forward-Euler steps, intercalated with large extrapolation steps. The telescopic approach repeats said extrapolations as the basis for an even larger step. This hierarchy renders the computational complexity of the method essentially independent of the stiffness of the problem, which permits the efficient solution of equations in the hyperbolic scaling with very small Knudsen numbers. We validate the schemes on a range of scenarios, demonstrating its prowess in dealing with extreme mass ratios, fluid instabilities, and other complex phenomena.This is a joint work with R. Bailo (U. Oxford), W. Melis and G. Samaey (K.U. Leuven)

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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