Optimizing Similarity Functions in Various Pattern Recognition Problems
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact David MacKay.
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Machines classify instances by using various similarity functions, such as
image-based feature extractors, clustering functions, kernel functions,
etc. In real world applications, however, they often work poor. Since they
are characterized by a set of parameters, the choice of them hugely affects
performance. To solve this parameter optimization problem, in this talk is
presented optimization strategies in terms of class separability. First, a
Gabor Wavelet Neural Network for facial expression recognition is presented
and its optimization method is proposed. Second, an agglomerative
clustering technique is presented and a strategy for choosing optimal
number of clusters is proposed. A concatenation of the agglomerative
clustering and Fuzzy-state Q-learning allows us to learn and predict human
behavior patterns. The last part of the talk is about learning a
generalized kernel function for kernel-based pattern classification.
Theoretical results on a generalized kernel function and its learning via
regularization are presented. Its performance is demonstrated with an
application of EMG signal-based walking phase recognition.
This talk is part of the Inference Group series.
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