On thermodynamics of stationary states of diffusive systems Coauthors L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, C. Landim
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Mathematics for the Fluid Earth
Thermodynamic transformations connecting nonequilibrium stationary states have the peculiarity of dissipating, to keep the system out of equilibrium, an amount of energy which diverges for a quasi static transformation. By subtracting the divergent part one can define a renormalized work that satisfies a Clausius type inequality and with respect to which quasi static transformations are optimal. A different way of analyzing the energy balance and optimality criteria is to consider transformations over a long but finite time T developing the total work and the dissipated energy in powers of 1/T. The diverging terms cancel and one obtains relations among finite quantities.
This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.
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