University of Cambridge > > Quantum Matter Seminar > Orbital-dependent scattering in Sr2RuO4 and FeSe probed by uniaxial stress

Orbital-dependent scattering in Sr2RuO4 and FeSe probed by uniaxial stress

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Malte Grosche.

Sr2RuO4 and FeSe are both among the major mysteries of modern condensed matter physics. Sr2RuO4 has a superconductivity that does not appear to be explainable by any known mechanism. FeSe shows electronically-driven nematicity, in the absence of any other electronic order, and the mechanism is not clear. In this talk, I will demonstrate the use of strain-tuning to probe k-dependent scattering in both of these materials. In Sr2RuO4, we find that tuning through a Lifshitz transition drastically reduces the scattering on sections of Fermi surface with dxy orbital weight, but not sections with dxz and dyz weight. This orbital dependence of the scattering is evidence for Hund’s-driven decoupling. Hund’s interactions may even drive the superconducting pairing. In FeSe, we find evidence that its nematic resistive anisotropy is driven by spin fluctuations in the dyz orbital, and that these spin fluctuations might not be the origin of the nematicity.

This talk is part of the Quantum Matter Seminar series.

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