Optically-assisted interrogation of cells
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jurij Kotar.
Laser light has many applications in the life sciences ranging from
imaging of cells in culture to disease therapy in humans. I shall
present some work in the field of biophotonics based upon optical
trapping, the technique in which a focused laser beam is used to pick up
and move transparent, microscopic particles. I will describe how
optical micromanipulation and microdissection of chromosomes are used to
create fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) probes to detect changes
in the DNA of chromosomes and how we use optical patterns, such as the
Bessel beam or interference patterns, for cell sorting applications. I
will go on to discuss the laser-assisted delivery of particles into
single cells (including photoporation) and the optical manipulation of
particles inside living cells (in cyto) including the applications and
limitations of this tool.
This talk is part of the BSS Formal Seminars series.
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