Generalised braid category
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Timothy Logvinenko, University of Cardiff
Wednesday 27 April 2016, 14:15-15:15
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Mark Gross.
I will describe a joint project with Rina Anno: a categorification of
generalised braids. These are the braids whose strands are allowed to touch in
a certain way. They have multiple endpoint configurations and can be
non-invertible, thus forming a category rather than a group. A decade old
conjecture states that this category acts on the derived categories of (the
cotangent bundles of) full and partial flag varieties.
The basic building blocks of this conjectural action are spherical, P- and
(what we expect to be) Grassmanian functors together with the equivalences they
induce. I will describe our present progress and future expectations.
This talk is part of the Algebraic Geometry Seminar series.
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