Geometric Selection Theorems
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Boris Bukh (UCLA)
Friday 23 January 2009, 16:30-17:30
MR13, CMS.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ben Green.
In combinatorial geometry one frequently wants to
select a point or a set of points that meets many simplices of a given
family. The two examples are choosing a point in many simplices
spanned by points of some P in R^d, and choosing a small set of points
which meets the convex hull of every large subset of P (the weak
epsilon-net problem). I will present a new class of constructions that
yield the first nontrivial lower bound on the weak epsilon-net
problem, and improve the best bounds for several other selection
problems. Joint work with Jiri Matousek and Gabriel Nivasch.
This talk is part of the Discrete Analysis Seminar series.
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