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God or Multiverse?

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Professor Bernard Carr.

Advance booking essential. Cost £65 (including lunch) but £20 for students. Contact:

A remarkable feature of the Universe is that the physical constants appear to be fine-tuned for the emergence of life. One possible explanation for this is that a Creator designed the Universe for our benefit. Another – prompted by recent developments in cosmology and particle physics – is that there could be many universes in which the constants are different, in which case the observed fine-tunings just become a selection effect. Some scientists regard this “Multiverse” explanation as more plausible since it is predicted by respectable (albeit speculative) physics but others regard it as just as metaphysical as invoking God since the other universes can never be seen. One might also argue that a God who can create a Universe could equally well create a Multiverse. This day provides a unique opportunity for three theologians to join two cosmologists in a discussion of these issues.

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