Genome Informatics at the Sanger Institute
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Richard Durbin, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Wednesday 22 November 2006, 14:00-15:00
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Danielle Stretch.
I will give a brief introduction to the Sanger Institute and
the major informatics programs here, followed be a more detailed
presentation of some of the research in my group. In particular, I will
discuss our work on heuristic reconstruction of Ancestral Recombination
Graphs (ARGs) from genotype or resequencing data. ARGs describe
completely how the genome sequences of individuals might be related: we
have been exploring how to use them in disease association studies and
reconstruction of full genome sequences from partial whole genome
shotgun data from multiple yeast strains.
This talk is part of the Computational and Systems Biology series.
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