University of Cambridge > > Cavendish HEP Seminars > GENIE plan for global tunes for future Long baseline experiments

GENIE plan for global tunes for future Long baseline experiments

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Lorena Escudero.

Neutrino Monte Carlo generators are the single interface between theory and experiment and they are an essential ingredient to connect neutrino data with the answers to fundamental physics questions. GENIE is the world’s most widely-used neutrino Monte Carlo generator. Indeed, its physics models are employed by nearly all current and future experiments. Tuning these models is fundamental for the next generation of neutrino experiments which will look for CP violation in the lepton sector, as systematic uncertainties need to be kept at the few percent level. GENIE contains extensive data archives and, quite uniquely, it can simulate the nuclear scattering of neutrinos, electrons and hadronic probes in the exact same physics framework. A new collaboration with the Professor system used for Monte Carlo generator tuning for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments, provides the main algorithmic procedure for obtaining new physics tunes. In this seminar we will outline the development of GENIE models for the simulation of CC0 \pi events (a crucial event topology both for oscillation measurements and for probing nuclear dynamics) and present results of the first GENIE global fits of CC0 \pi data.

This talk is part of the Cavendish HEP Seminars series.

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