University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > GB Smart Meter Programme - Network Operator Use of Electricity Consumption Data

GB Smart Meter Programme - Network Operator Use of Electricity Consumption Data

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OFBW30 - New Approaches to Anonymisation

The Energy Regulator, Ofgem, incentivises Electricity Network Operators (also known Distribution Network Operators, or DNOs) to explore and make full use of every opportunity offered by the new GB Smart Metering System to maximise the benefits that can be delivered to consumers from the use of the data it contains. DNOs have been developing systems to receive the new data so that it can be used to deliver the consumer benefits. Some of the information held in smart meters has been categorised as personal data and is therefore subject to much more stringent controls involving anonymisation. For DNOs the requirement for anonymisation is contained in specific licence conditions in their Distribution Licence. The challenge that DNOs are grappling with is how they can maximise the consumer benefits from optimum use of the data while at the same time making sure that they are not in breach of licence.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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