University of Cambridge > > Partial Differential Equations seminar > Global free-boundary regularity for the Signorini problem

Global free-boundary regularity for the Signorini problem

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  • UserAlessio Figalli (UT Austin)
  • ClockMonday 07 December 2015, 15:00-16:00
  • HouseCMS, MR13.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Prof. Neshan Wickramasekera.

Obstacle problems are an important class of free-boundary problems. The general setting is the following: Given an unknown pair $(u,\Omega)$ where $u$ solves a ``nice’’ equation inside $\Omega$ and has some behavior across $\partial\Omega$, understand the regularity of both $u$ and $\partial \Omega$. The Signorini problem, also known as the ``lower dimensional obstacle problem’’, is a classical problem in this area. While the regularity of the solution is now well understood, the regularity of the free boundary is a much more challenging questions. In this talk I’ll give an overview of the problem and present some recent results on this topic.

This talk is part of the Partial Differential Equations seminar series.

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