When While is a Security Risk
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Pasquale Malacaria, Queen Mary, University of London
Friday 23 March 2007, 14:00-15:00
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Sam Staton.
There is a clear intuitive connection between the notion of leakage of information in
a program and concepts from information theory. This intuition has not been
satisfactorily pinned down, until now.
In particular, previous information-theoretic models of programs are imprecise, due
to their overly conservative treatment of looping constructs. We present the first
precise information-theoretic semantics of programs with looping constructs. Our
semantics describes both the amount and rate of leakage; if either is small enough,
then a program might be deemed “secure”.
The talk will not assume particular prerequisites as it will concentrate in exposing
the ideas and how these ideas apply on case studies. Details are available in
proceedings POPL 2007 (see here).
This talk is part of the Logic and Semantics Seminar (Computer Laboratory) series.
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