University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Philosophical Society > What we don’t know about the Universe from the very small to the very big : ONE DAY MEETING

What we don’t know about the Universe from the very small to the very big : ONE DAY MEETING

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Beverley Larner.


Friday 23 March 2018

What we don’t know about the Universe: From the very small to the very big

A one-day scientific meeting covering the challenges faced by Particle Physics and Cosmology in understanding how the Universe works. Open to all who are interested, entry is free and no booking is required.

Organisers: Professor Ron Horgan and Dr Matt Wingate


09:00 – 09:15 Introduction

09:15 A History of the Standard Model, Professor Frank Close, Department of Physics, University of Oxford

10:15 What’s Happening at the LHC , Professor Valerie Gibson, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge

11:15 Coffee break

11:45 Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Professor Ben Allanach, DAMTP -CMS, University of Cambridge

12:45 Lunch in Newnham College

13:45 Gravitational Waves,Dr Chris Moore, CENTRA , University of Lisbon

14:45 Seeing the beginning: the Cosmic Microwave Background and what it can tell us about our Universe, Dr Blake Sherwin, DAMTP , University of Cambridge and the Kavli Institute for Cosmology

15:45 Tea break

16:15 Gravity!?, Dr Claudia de Rham, Department of Physics, Imperial College London

17:15 End of meeting

A buffet lunch will be available at a cost of £5 in advance or £7.00 on the day. Numbers for the luncheon are limited and an advance purchase is recommended to guarantee a place. Please contact the Executive Secretary for a voucher.

The first 70 Fellows of the Society to apply will be offered a complimentary luncheon voucher.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Philosophical Society series.

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