Workshop on Language Processing
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Steven Frisson, University of Birmingham, and members of the Language Acquisition and Language Processing Research Cluster
Wednesday 16 March 2011, 12:00-17:00
GR-04, English Faculty Building.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Chris Cummins.
This workshop features a keynote speech by the invited speaker, Steven Frisson, on ‘The Bounds of Second Language Acquisition: Learned Attention’, in addition to a range of talks by current students.
The Language Acquisition and Language Processing (LALP) reseach cluster is a progressive group of PhD candidate researchers from the Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics (RCEAL) at the University of Cambridge. The cluster provides budding PhD candidates within the cluster a forum to present their research and to interact with prominent members of the linguistic community. For more information about the cluster, visit
This talk is part of the RCEAL occasional seminars series.
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