University of Cambridge > > RSE Seminars > Who said using GPUs was straightforward? - Straightforward GPU programming in SYCL and OpenMP

Who said using GPUs was straightforward? - Straightforward GPU programming in SYCL and OpenMP

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jack Atkinson.

With OpenMP and oneAPI’s SYCL , we have two programming languages on the table which promise that you can write scientific codes once, while they run on both CPUs and GPUs. We report on our efforts to migrate ExaHyPE, a hyperbolic PDE solver which we use for earthquake simulations and gravitational wave research, onto GPUs. Hereby, we focus on three major challenges: The orchestration of compute steps on the GPU , the memory management on GPUs, and the realisation of multitasking for tasks that can either run on a CPU or an accelerator. For us, none of these three areas seem to work out-of-the-box with current technologies. For all the stumbling blocks that we encounter, we present workarounds and solutions. Yet, we can only sketch ideas how to answer the overarching research questions: Do these languages provide the right abstraction level for the realisation of modern numerical codes, do we have to rephrase key ingredients of scientific codes in different ways to make them fit for GPUs, and can the technologies on the table allow us to write performance-portable code and not only platform-portable realisations?

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This talk is part of the RSE Seminars series.

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