University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > UNIQUE CONTINUATION OF CERTAIN WEIGHTED RAY TRANSFORMS


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RNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach

Let Ikm, for every non-negative integers k, denote the weighted raytransform acting on compactly supported symmetric m tensor fields. For k = 0, I0mis the classical ray transform acting on symmetric tensor fields. In this talk, wewill discuss unique continuation property of Ikm  We will also demonstrate thathow Saint-Venant operator and its generalization plays a central role to study suchproperty of Ikm. This is a joint work with Divyansh Agrawal and Venky Krishnan[AKS22].References[AKS22] Divyansh Agrawal, Venkateswaran P. Krishnan, and Suman Kumar Sahoo. Unique continuationresults for certain generalized ray transforms of symmetric tensor fields. J. Geom.Anal., 32(10):Paper No. 245, 27, 2022.1

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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