University of Cambridge > > Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 41st Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures > UK Housing Policy: Putting Carbon to the Fore?

UK Housing Policy: Putting Carbon to the Fore?

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Abstract: For forty years the Government has tried to cut energy use in UK homes. Energy efficiency in housing has always jockeyed with other priorities, but recent concerns about climate change have forced our homes’ carbon emissions to centre stage. How successful have we been, though, in meeting climate change targets for housing?

Biography: Jason Palmer has 11 years experience as a consultant to building designers and government agencies. His doctorate focused on environmental management for smaller organisations, and he now works on sustainable construction and climate change. Dr Palmer joined CAR in 2002 and became a director in 2003. There are two main strands to his work. First, he works for the Department of Education analysing sustainable schools. Second, he works for the DTI , the Energy Saving Trust, the Scottish Government and the Department for Energy and Climate Change on climate change policy.

This talk is part of the Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 41st Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures series.

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