University of Cambridge > > Pedagogy, Language, Arts & Culture in Education (PLACE) Group Seminars > Using arts and creativity to generate engagement in a PRU, integrating technology and cross curricular opportunities

Using arts and creativity to generate engagement in a PRU, integrating technology and cross curricular opportunities

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Lucian Stephenson.

Mike will discuss his work in developing techniques for engaging difficult and troubled young people in the environment of a pupil referral unit, creating material they identify with and in the process improving their confidence. He works with decks, computers, studio equipment, guitars, cameras, video equipment and mobile phones to develop these various ways of engagement. There is also a strong link with several NPOs in the area providing fantastic arts opportunities.


Mike was a full-time maths teacher and part time electroacoustic composer for 11 years before leaving mainstream in 2001 to follow his dream of being a soundscape composer/freelance artist. As well as working on varied projects in schools, prison and in the community he taught Creative Music Technology at UEA where he also completed his PhD ‘Composition as Biography’ in 2009.

He has been facilitating music and media at Westbridge Pupil Referral Unit 2 or 3 days a week for 10 years. He still works as a freelance artist and is available for help and guidance to deliver media projects.

This talk is part of the Pedagogy, Language, Arts & Culture in Education (PLACE) Group Seminars series.

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